It works perfectly now and sounds brilliant, adding some brightness to the tone whilst retaining the lower frequencies. This circuit does not include the infamous R28 feedback resistor that pronounces the phase effect, but still has enough depth to carry the long rate speeds through the speakers. The MIX control offers a subtle tonal mix of wet/dry but mostly acts like a master depth control, the reason for why I decided to leave it inside the box.
Inside is probably the cleanest job I've ever achieved and although there was a lot of offboard wiring, it didn't take too long. One thing that I haven't managed to do though is find a strong enough bonding solution to secure the PCB pillars to the enclosure. That's why only two are installed. Also, the 1/4" jacks I bought from Maplin (UK) have a pretty weak grip on the enclosure.
As always, there are improvements to be had, the etching is messy in places and I've already redesigned the PCB including an extra CD4066 bilateral switch to remove the need for a 4PDT. More details may follow for this in the future, but right now I'm very happy with the outcome and it's time for a different project!
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